prd template

PRDs: The Ultimate Guide + Product Requirements Document Templates


Product development moves fast. You need a clear product requirements document. PRDs matter. This guide shows you how to make one that works. We’ll give you examples and templates. They’ll speed up your process.

This guide helps product managers, agile teams, and project stakeholders. You’ll learn to make a PRD that keeps everyone on the same page.

What is a Product Requirements Document (PRD)?

What’s a PRD? It’s a big document. It lays out what your product does and how it works. The PRD tells your team what to build. Product managers use it. Developers use it. Stakeholders use it. A good PRD is like a map. It shows the way from your first idea to launching the product.

PRDs can be a pain to write. They take time. But they save your ass later. Without one, teams get lost. They build the wrong stuff. A PRD keeps everyone in sync.

You don’t need fancy language in a PRD. Just say what the product needs to do. List the features. Explain how it should work. Be clear. Be specific.

Some people think PRDs are old school. They’re not. Even agile teams need them. You just make them leaner. Update them more often.

Remember, your first PRD will probably suck. That’s okay. You’ll get better. The important thing is to start. Write it down. Share it. Improve it as you go.

This guide will help you make a PRD that doesn’t suck. We’ll show you the ropes. You’ll learn what to include. You’ll see how to organize it. By the end, you’ll know how to make a PRD that actually helps your team build something good.

What should be in a product requirements document?

A thorough PRD should include:

  1. Product vision and goals
  2. Target audience and user personas
  3. Product features and functionality
  4. User stories and use cases
  5. Technical specifications
  6. Design requirements
  7. Success metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  8. Timeline and milestones
  9. Constraints and limitations
  10. Assumptions and risks

How to create a product requirements template

Here are the key steps for writing an effective product requirements document (PRD) template:

  1. Start with an overview section that includes:
    • Product name/title
    • Version number
    • Date created/last updated
    • Author and key stakeholders
    • Brief product description and purpose
  2. Define the product vision and objectives:
    • What problem is the product solving?
    • Who is the target user?
    • How does it align with business goals?
  3. Outline key features and functionality:
    • List and describe main product features
    • Prioritize features (e.g. must-have vs nice-to-have)
    • Include user stories or use cases
  4. Specify requirements:
    • Functional requirements – what the product should do
    • Non-functional requirements – performance, security, usability etc.
    • Technical requirements – platforms, integrations etc.
  5. Include design specifications:
    • User interface mockups or wireframes
    • User flows and interactions
    • Visual design guidelines
  6. Define success criteria:
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Acceptance criteria for features
  7. Outline constraints and assumptions:
    • Budget, timeline, resource constraints
    • Technical limitations
    • Business/market assumptions
  8. Add a timeline/roadmap:
    • Key milestones and release dates
    • Development phases
  9. Include appendices as needed:
    • Glossary of terms
    • Supporting research/data
    • Detailed technical specifications
  10. Leave space for approvals and sign-offs from key stakeholders

What is the format of PRD?

The format of a Product Requirements Document (PRD) typically follows a structured layout to ensure clarity and ease of use. Here’s an overview of the common format:

  1. Header Section
    • Product name
    • Version number
    • Date of last update
    • Author(s)
    • Document status (e.g., draft, approved)
  2. Table of Contents
    • Helps navigate longer documents
  3. Executive Summary
    • Brief overview of the product and its purpose
  4. Product Vision
    • High-level description of the product goals and objectives
  5. Target Audience
    • Description of the intended users or customers
  6. Features and Requirements
    • Detailed list of product features
    • Functional requirements
    • Non-functional requirements (e.g., performance, security)
  7. User Stories or Use Cases
    • Scenarios describing how users will interact with the product
  8. Technical Specifications
    • Architecture overview
    • Integration requirements
    • Data requirements
  9. Design Specifications
    • UI/UX guidelines
    • Wireframes or mockups
  10. Milestones and Timeline
    • Key project dates and deliverables
  11. Metrics and Analytics
    • KPIs for measuring product success
  12. Assumptions and Constraints
    • Any limitations or dependencies
  13. Appendices
    • Additional supporting information

Competitive analysis in PRD

Purpose of Competitive Analysis in PRD

The competitive analysis section of your PRD should:

  1. Identify key competitors
  2. Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses
  3. Highlight market opportunities
  4. Inform product positioning and differentiation strategies

Key Elements to Include

1. Competitor Identification

  • List direct and indirect competitors
  • Include a brief description of each competitor’s product offering

2. Feature Comparison Matrix

Create a table comparing your product’s features against those of your competitors. For example:

FeatureYour ProductCompetitor ACompetitor B
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3

3. SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT analysis for each major competitor. This helps identify areas where your product can differentiate or improve.

4. Pricing Strategy

Analyze competitors’ pricing models and how your product’s pricing compares. This informs your pricing strategy and value proposition.

5. Market Positioning

Describe how competitors position themselves in the market. Use a positioning map to visualize where your product fits in relation to competitors.

6. Customer Reviews and Sentiment

Summarize customer feedback about competitor products, highlighting pain points and unmet needs that your product can address.

Best Practices

  1. Be objective: Present an unbiased view of the competitive landscape.
  2. Focus on relevance: Include information that directly impacts your product decisions.
  3. Keep it current: Regularly update the competitive analysis as the market evolves.
  4. Use data: Support your analysis with quantitative data where possible.
  5. Highlight opportunities: Identify gaps in the market that your product can fill.

Customer interview report in PRD

Key Elements to Include

1. Executive Summary of Findings

Provide a brief overview of the key insights gathered from customer interviews. This should highlight the most important discoveries that will impact product development.

2. Interview Methodology

  • Number of interviews conducted
  • Demographics of interviewees
  • Interview format (e.g., one-on-one, focus groups)
  • Time frame of the interview process

3. Key Themes and Insights

Present the main themes that emerged from the interviews. For example:

  • Pain points with existing solutions
  • Desired features or functionalities
  • Usage patterns and behaviors
  • Unmet needs in the market

4. Quantitative Data

Include any quantitative data gathered during interviews, such as:

  • Percentage of users experiencing specific issues
  • Frequency of certain behaviors or needs
  • Ratings of current solutions or proposed features

5. Verbatim Quotes

Include impactful quotes from interviewees that support key findings. These provide context and add a human element to the data.

6. Persona Refinement

Based on interview insights, refine or create user personas that represent your target audience.

7. Feature Prioritization

Use interview data to inform feature prioritization. Create a table linking customer needs to proposed features:

Customer NeedProposed FeaturePriority
Need AFeature XHigh
Need BFeature YMedium

8. Implications for Product Development

Discuss how the interview findings will influence:

  • Product positioning
  • Feature set
  • User experience design
  • Marketing strategy

Best Practices

  1. Link insights to requirements: Ensure that each key insight is directly tied to specific product requirements or features.
  2. Use visuals: Incorporate charts, graphs, or diagrams to illustrate key findings and make the data more digestible.
  3. Update regularly: Treat this section as a living document, updating it as you gather more customer insights throughout the development process.
  4. Cross-functional sharing: Ensure that these insights are shared with all relevant teams, including design, engineering, and marketing.
  5. Validate findings: Use the insights to form hypotheses that can be further tested and validated through prototypes or MVP (Minimum Viable Product) testing.

Pros and cons of a product requirements document

Pros of a Product Requirements Document

  1. Clarity and Alignment:
    • Ensures all stakeholders have a shared understanding of the product vision and goals
    • Reduces misunderstandings and conflicts between teams
  2. Structured Planning:
    • Provides a clear roadmap for product development
    • Helps in identifying potential obstacles early in the process
  3. Improved Communication:
    • Serves as a reference point for all team members
    • Facilitates better collaboration across different departments
  4. Risk Mitigation:
    • Helps in identifying and addressing potential risks early
    • Reduces the likelihood of scope creep
  5. Resource Allocation:
    • Aids in estimating required resources more accurately
    • Helps in prioritizing features and functionalities

Cons of a Product Requirements Document

  1. Time-Consuming:
    • Creating a comprehensive PRD can be a lengthy process
    • Requires significant upfront investment of time and resources
  2. Potential for Rigidity:
    • May lead to inflexibility if teams adhere too strictly to the document
    • Can be challenging to adapt to rapid market changes or new insights
  3. Skill Requirement:
    • Writing an effective PRD is an acquired skill that takes time to develop
    • May require training or hiring specialized personnel
  4. Risk of Over-Specification:
    • Highly detailed requirements early in the process can lead to time-consuming and ineffective discussions
    • May limit creative problem-solving approaches
  5. Maintenance Challenges:
    • Needs regular updates to remain relevant, which can be resource-intensive
    • Outdated PRDs can lead to confusion and misdirected efforts
  6. Potential for Misuse:
    • May be used as a substitute for ongoing communication and collaboration
    • Can sometimes impede face-to-face conversations that could lead to valuable insights
  7. Creativity Constraints:
    • Overly specific PRDs might limit design explorations and innovative solutions
    • Can inadvertently narrow the focus to predefined solutions

Best practices for agile requirements

  1. Keep Requirements Flexible:
    • Use user stories instead of detailed specifications
    • Allow for changes and refinements throughout the development process
    • Focus on executable specifications rather than extensive documentation
  2. Collaborate Closely with Stakeholders:
    • Involve customers and end-users regularly in the requirements process
    • Hold frequent review sessions to gather feedback
    • Use techniques like workshops and focus groups to elicit requirements
  3. Use Multiple Gathering Techniques:
    • Employ a variety of methods such as interviews, surveys, user observation, and prototyping
    • Combine different approaches to get a comprehensive view of requirements
  4. Implement Iterative Requirements Management:
    • Break down requirements into smaller, manageable pieces
    • Refine and elaborate requirements progressively through sprints
    • Use backlog grooming sessions to continuously update and clarify requirements
  5. Emphasize Visual Communication:
    • Use wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to illustrate requirements
    • Create user flow diagrams and use cases to demonstrate functionality
    • Utilize visual management tools like Kanban boards for tracking requirements
  6. Maintain Traceability:
    • Link requirements to user stories, test cases, and code
    • Ensure that each requirement can be traced back to business objectives
    • Use tools that support end-to-end traceability
  7. Foster Continuous Validation:
    • Implement frequent review cycles with stakeholders
    • Use acceptance criteria for each user story
    • Conduct regular demos to validate implemented features against requirements

10 steps to create an effective product requirements document

  1. Define Product Vision and Objectives
    • Clearly state the product’s purpose and goals
    • Align with overall business strategy
    • Identify key problems the product will solve
  2. Identify Target Audience
    • Describe primary and secondary user groups
    • Include user personas if available
    • Outline key user needs and pain points
  3. Outline Product Features and Functionality
    • List and prioritize features (e.g., must-have, nice-to-have)
    • Provide detailed descriptions for each feature
    • Include user stories or use cases
  4. Specify Requirements
    • Detail functional requirements
    • Include non-functional requirements (performance, security, etc.)
    • Outline technical specifications and constraints
  5. Create User Interface and Experience Guidelines
    • Include wireframes or mockups
    • Describe user flows and interactions
    • Specify design principles and guidelines
  6. Define Success Metrics
    • Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    • Set specific, measurable goals for the product
  7. Outline Project Timeline and Milestones
    • Provide a high-level project roadmap
    • Identify key development phases and deadlines
  8. Address Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies
    • List any project assumptions
    • Identify potential constraints (budget, resources, etc.)
    • Highlight dependencies on other projects or systems
  9. Include Market and Competitive Analysis
    • Summarize relevant market research
    • Provide a brief competitive landscape overview
    • Highlight product differentiators
  10. Establish Approval and Change Management Process
    • Define the review and approval process
    • Outline procedures for handling changes and updates
    • Include a version control system for the PRD

PRD templates

Several PRD templates are available to help you get started:

How to Use the Product Requirements Document Template

Step 1 – Create the initial draft

Begin by filling out the template with all available information, leaving placeholders for unknown details.

Step 2 – Get approval

Share the draft with key stakeholders for feedback and approval.

Step 3 – Share with design

Collaborate with designers to create wireframes and visual concepts based on the PRD.

Step 4 – Share with engineering

Work with the development team to refine technical specifications and ensure feasibility.

Step 5 – Share with project team

Distribute the PRD to the entire project team, ensuring everyone understands their role in bringing the product to life.

Step 6 – Share with company

Communicate the product vision and requirements to the broader organization to align all departments.


Product Requirements Documents suck to make. They’re necessary though. Without them, development turns into a shitshow. This guide helps you make a PRD that’s not useless. Most PRDs end up as digital dust collectors.

Your PRD won’t be perfect. It’ll keep your team from building crap no one wants. Make it a living document. It should show what’s really happening, not some fantasy product.

Every company’s different. Silicon Valley unicorn methods won’t work for your scrappy startup or big corporate machine. Adapt this stuff to how your team actually works. Could be strict waterfall or messy “agile” chaos.

PRDs are just for talking better. If your team’s on the same page and not having those “we’re building what?” moments, it’s working. Don’t expect magic. Shit always comes up in product development. No document fixes everything.

Your first PRD will probably be garbage. That’s normal. Keep changing it. Make it better. Drink lots of coffee. Eventually, you might get a PRD that actually helps. It could guide your product from half-assed idea to something that doesn’t totally fail at launch.

Remember, this is all just advice. Your mileage may vary. Good luck out there in the product wilderness.






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