what is required when a scrum team says a product backlog item is done?

What Is Required When a SCRUM Team Says a Product Backlog Item Is Done?

What is required when a SCRUM team says a product backlog item is done?

To answer this, let’s do a brief deep dive so we can better understand what we’re talking about here.

At the heart of Scrum lies the product backlog—a prioritized list of features, enhancements, and fixes that make up the work to be done. But what exactly constitutes a completed product backlog item in Scrum?

What is a Product Backlog Item in Scrum?

In Scrum, a product backlog item is a single element of work that exists in the product backlog. These items are typically written as user stories, which describe a feature or functionality from the end user’s perspective.

Product backlog items can vary in size and complexity, but they should be small enough to be completed within a single sprint. As the Scrum team works through sprints, they pull items from the top of the prioritized product backlog, aiming to deliver potentially shippable increments of the product at the end of each sprint.

The Definition of Done

Purpose and Importance

The Definition of Done (DoD) is a crucial concept in Scrum that sets the standard for what constitutes a completed product backlog item. It creates transparency by providing everyone on the Scrum team with a shared understanding of what work was completed as part of the increment. The DoD serves several important purposes:

  • Ensures quality by establishing clear standards
  • Reduces ambiguity and misunderstandings
  • Helps manage stakeholder expectations
  • Promotes consistency across the team’s work

Key Components

While the specific components of a Definition of Done may vary depending on the project and organization, some common elements include:

  • Code completion: All necessary code has been written and reviewed.
  • Testing: Unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance tests have been performed and passed.
  • Documentation: Required documentation, such as user guides or API references, has been updated.
  • Performance criteria: The item meets specified performance benchmarks.
  • Security requirements: Any necessary security measures have been implemented and verified.
  • Compliance: The item adheres to relevant industry standards or regulations.

It’s important to note that the Definition of Done applies to the entire product increment, not just individual product backlog items. The Scrum team should collaboratively create and agree upon the Definition of Done, and it should be reviewed and updated regularly as part of the team’s continuous improvement efforts.

Acceptance Criteria for Product Backlog Items

What are Acceptance Criteria?

While the Definition of Done provides an overarching set of standards for the entire product increment, acceptance criteria are specific conditions that a product backlog item must satisfy to be accepted by the Product Owner. These criteria are unique to each PBI and serve as a clear, objective way to determine whether the item has been completed successfully.

How to Write Effective Acceptance Criteria

Writing clear and effective acceptance criteria is crucial for ensuring that product backlog items are truly complete. Here are some tips for crafting good acceptance criteria:

  • Be specific and measurable: Use clear, quantifiable terms that leave no room for interpretation.
  • Focus on outcomes, not solutions: Describe what the feature should accomplish, not how it should be implemented.
  • Keep it concise: Aim for 3-5 criteria per product backlog item.
  • Use simple language: Write in a way that all team members and stakeholders can understand.
  • Include both functional and non-functional requirements: Consider aspects like performance, usability, and security.

Example of well-written acceptance criteria for a “User Login” feature:

  • Users can successfully log in using a valid username and password.
  • Invalid login attempts display an error message.
  • Users are redirected to their dashboard upon successful login.
  • The login process completes in under 2 seconds.

Quality Standards for Completed Work

Testing Requirements

Thorough testing is a critical component of completing product backlog items. The specific testing requirements may vary depending on the project but generally include:

  • Unit testing: Individual components or functions are tested in isolation.
  • Integration testing: Different parts of the system are tested together to ensure they work correctly as a whole.
  • User acceptance testing: The feature is tested from the end user’s perspective to ensure it meets their needs.
  • Performance testing: The system is tested under various conditions to ensure it meets performance requirements.
  • Security testing: The feature is assessed for potential vulnerabilities or security risks.

Documentation Needs

Proper documentation is often an overlooked aspect of completing product backlog items, but it’s crucial for long-term maintainability and knowledge sharing. Documentation needs may include:

  • Code comments: Clear, concise comments explaining complex logic or non-obvious decisions.
  • Technical documentation: Architecture diagrams, API references, or database schemas.
  • User documentation: User guides, FAQs, or help articles for end-users.
  • Release notes: A summary of changes, new features, and known issues for each product increment.

The Role of the Scrum Team in Completing Product Backlog Items

Product Owner:


  • Manages and prioritizes the product backlog
  • Defines user stories and acceptance criteria
  • Communicates product vision and goals
  • Makes decisions on product features
  • Collaborates with stakeholders


  • “This feature is our top priority for the next sprint.”
  • “Let’s refine these user stories to make them clearer.”
  • “Here’s the latest market feedback on our product.”


  • How to maximize product value
  • Ways to balance stakeholder needs with team capacity
  • Strategies for product improvement and innovation


  • Product vision
  • Product backlog
  • Release planning


  • Clear communication from the team on progress and challenges
  • High-quality deliverables that meet acceptance criteria
  • Timely feedback from stakeholders and users

Scrum Master:


  • Facilitates Scrum events (daily standups, sprint planning, reviews, retrospectives)
  • Removes impediments for the team
  • Coaches the team on Scrum practices
  • Protects the team from external interruptions


  • “How can I help remove this obstacle?”
  • “Let’s focus on our sprint goal during the daily standup.”
  • “What can we improve based on our last sprint?”


  • Ways to improve team efficiency and collaboration
  • How to better implement Scrum principles
  • Strategies for continuous improvement


  • Scrum process implementation
  • Team’s adherence to Scrum values and practices


  • Team self-organization and commitment to Scrum principles
  • Open communication about challenges and progress
  • Continuous improvement in team performance and processes

Development Team Member:


  • Develops and tests product increments
  • Participates in all Scrum events
  • Collaborates with other team members
  • Estimates effort for backlog items


  • “I can take on this user story for the sprint.”
  • “I need help with this technical challenge.”
  • “Here’s my update for the daily standup.”


  • How to implement features efficiently
  • Ways to improve code quality and testing
  • Strategies for technical problem-solving


  • Technical implementation of product features
  • Quality of the work produced


  • Clear requirements and acceptance criteria from the Product Owner
  • Support and guidance from the Scrum Master
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing within the team
  • Autonomy in deciding how to implement features

Common Challenges in Completing Product Backlog Items

Scope Creep

Scope creep occurs when the requirements for a product backlog item expand beyond the original agreement. This can lead to delays and incomplete work. To combat scope creep:

  • Clearly define acceptance criteria at the outset
  • Use timeboxed sprints to limit the opportunity for scope expansion
  • Encourage the Product Owner to manage stakeholder expectations

Lack of Clarity

Ambiguous or poorly defined product backlog items can lead to misunderstandings and rework. To improve clarity:

  • Invest time in backlog refinement sessions
  • Encourage open communication between the Product Owner and Development Team
  • Use techniques like example mapping to explore edge cases and scenarios

Technical Debt

Accumulating technical debt can make it increasingly difficult to complete new product backlog items. To manage technical debt:

  • Include refactoring and code improvement tasks in the product backlog
  • Regularly review and update the Definition of Done to maintain quality standards
  • Encourage the team to address small issues as they arise, rather than letting them accumulate

Best Practices for Ensuring Product Backlog Items are Truly Done

Regular Backlog Refinement

Conduct regular backlog refinement sessions to:

  • Clarify and detail upcoming product backlog items
  • Break down large items into smaller, manageable pieces
  • Update estimates based on new information
  • Remove or modify outdated items

Clear Communication

Foster open and frequent communication within the Scrum team:

  • Encourage questions and discussions during sprint planning and daily scrums
  • Use visual aids like task boards or burndown charts to track progress
  • Conduct thorough sprint reviews to gather feedback on completed work

Continuous Improvement

Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement:

  • Use sprint retrospectives to identify areas for improvement in the team’s processes
  • Regularly review and update the Definition of Done
  • Encourage experimentation with new techniques or tools to enhance productivity and quality

Creating Your Definition of Done (DoD)

  1. Gather the team. Get everyone together – developers, testers, designers, and the product owner. You’re in this together!
  2. Brainstorm completion criteria
    • Ask: “What needs to be done for us to consider a feature complete?”
    • Some ideas:
      • Code written and reviewed
      • Unit tests passed
      • Integration tests passed
      • Documentation updated
      • Performance tested
      • Accessibility checked
  3. Discuss and refine. Go through each item. Ask:
    • Is this necessary for every item?
    • Do we have the skills/tools to do this?
    • Is this realistic for our current capacity?
  4. Create a checklist. List agreed-upon criteria in simple, clear language.
  5. Make it visible. Put your DoD on a wall or shared digital space where everyone can see it.

Example DoD:

  •  Code completed and peer-reviewed
  •  Unit tests written and passed
  •  Functionality tested on supported browsers
  •  Documentation updated
  •  Product Owner review completed

Creating Your Definition of Ready (DoR)

  1. Gather the team again. Yep, everyone should be involved in this too!
  2. Brainstorm readiness criteria
    • Ask: “What information do we need before we can start working on a story?”
    • Ideas:
      • Clear description of functionality
      • Acceptance criteria defined
      • Dependencies identified
      • Estimated by the team
  3. Discuss and refine. For each item, consider:
      • Is this necessary to start work?
      • Can we realistically get this information upfront?
  4. Create a checklist: List agreed-upon criteria in simple terms.
  5. Make it visible. Put your DoR next to your DoD for easy reference.

Example DoR:

  •  User story has a clear description
  •  Acceptance criteria are defined
  •  Story has been estimated by the team
  •  Any UI mockups or designs are available
  •  Dependencies are identified


Completing product backlog items in Scrum isn’t complicated. You just need clear standards, good communication, and a focus on quality from the whole Scrum team. Set a solid Definition of Done, write clear acceptance criteria, and stick to high-quality standards. Keep improving how you work.

Don’t get stuck trying to perfect your process. Just keep reviewing and tweaking it. Focus on the main goal: delivering a product that meets user needs and does what it’s supposed to do. Keep it simple and straightforward.



